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Adapting Pokemon Go for kindergarten classes

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Many of your kindergarten kids may be coming in brimming with excitement about Pokemon Go after spending their weekends hanging out with obsessed siblings and carers. It can be a good chance to liven up your learning routines with some new and fun items.  Tasty Pokeballs If you have some kids who are not eager eaters in your care, you can use a Pokeball theme on their meals and snacks. You can use a melon baller to create fruit and vegetable balls as snacks.…

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Fun ways to incorporate song into your child care routines

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Children often like to sing naturally, and it can be much easier for them to remember phrases and facts that are linked to a tune. This is a great way to use child care to help your child enjoy their routines and reduce your need to nag them! Here are some good items to consider setting to tune. Hand washing after toileting Hand washing after going to the toilet is a good way to avoid contracting and spreading a number of unpleasant viruses.…

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Learning about the Olympics in a child care setting

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Australia is a sports mad nation, so many kids may start hearing more about the Olympics at home or in social settings as the Rio games approach. Here are some fun ways to introduce the Olympics as a learning topic as the games approach.  Get the kids to compete as teams To show the kids how athletes compete as teams you can split them into groups, either as in room groups or split to encourage the kids to have some interaction with the rooms.…

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